File: MessGbox.exe Rel date: 10/27/93 By: Louis Collado MessGbox is a tiny utility I prepared to help me when creating visual basic applications. The MsgBox command in Visual basic is great for messages and stuff but trying to remember it's properties it's a chore at least for me. (It got boring going back to the help file to find a return code) What is the return value on a system modal msgbox with three buttons and single frame when the second button is default and the user presses cancel...!!! whell..I'm just exagerating but you get the idea. with this utility I just flip thru all the boxes available with the msgbox command and I can quickly view the dafault button, return values and also get a visual of what the box will look like. Hey what the's free. Have fun. INSTALL: Copy to anywhere you want. HOW TO OPERATE: Push the buttons. NEEDS: VBRun300.DLL